Page 17 - Product Catalogue Brochure_For Flip2
P. 17


        OVERVIEW                                                                                                                          BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION

        Royal Wolf’s container hoardings and gantries are   The hoardings and gantries are amongst the safest on
        available for long or short-term hire and provide solid   the market with impressive resistance from vehicular
        overhead protection on building and construction   impact, slip resistant flooring and unrivaled protection
        sites. These units are designed to ensure the safety of   for pedestrians and workers.  Royal Wolf’s container
        workers and pedestrians and provide effective 10kPa   hoardings and gantries are designed to compliment
        rated protection from construction materials, debris   our portable buildng and construction product
        and other falling objects.  The integrated modular units   range, including site offices, toilets and showers. The
        with floor, walls and roof guaranteeing an extremely   containerised portable buildings can be stacked on top
        impact resistant structure.                to provide a complete construction worksite solution.
                                                   Hire Royal Wolf’s hoardings and gantries for all your
        CERTIFICATIONS                             building and construction projects.

        Download or available on request
                                                   Royal Wolf has a team of engineers who can assist with
        •   10ft Hoarding Design
                                                   the planning and layout of the construction site to
        •   20ft Hoarding Design
                                                   ensure a unique and practical solution.
        •   40ft Hoarding Design
        •   20ft Gantry Certificate


        10ft Hoarding: - External                  20ft Hoarding: - External

                LENGTH           2.99M                     LENGTH            6.06M
                WIDTH            2.44M                     WIDTH             2.44M
                HEIGHT           2.90M                     HEIGHT            2.90M

                                                                                                                   ROYAL WOLF  |  PRODUCT CATALOGUE  17  YAL WOLF  |  PRODUCT CATALOGUE  17
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