Page 10 - Product Catalogue
P. 10

REFRIGERATION CONTAINER WITH EZI ENTA DOOR                                                                                                    REFRIGERATION CONTAINER WITH EZI ENTA DOOR

        OVERVIEW                                                                                                                                      DIMENSIONS                                                                                                                         REFRIGERATED CONTAINERS

        Royal Wolf offers the latest in purpose built   These refrigerated units provide many new advantages                                          10ft Refrigerated Container: - Internal    20ft Refrigerated Container: - Internal
        refrigeration units for any market that requires onsite,   and set a benchmark for the industry - precise
        temperature controlled storage.            temperature control, one of the lowest power                                                              LENGTH            2.28M                     LENGTH           5.19M
                                                   consumption available in the market and state of the                                                       WIDTH            2.29M                     WIDTH            2.29M
        Our refrigerated shipping containers for the events   art Carrier technology, as well as the reliability and
        market are 20ft (6m) long and lined with food-  versatility that customers have come to expect from                                                  HEIGHT            2.59M                     HEIGHT           2.59M
        grade stainless steel. The containers can be used to   Royal Wolf.
        refrigerate or freeze foods and beverages, given their                                                                                        10ft Refrigerated Container: - External    20ft Refrigerated Container: - External
        overall temperature range capabilities of between   Our standard of refrigerated containers offers the
        +20º C to -20º C. For maximum usability, the containers’  lowest power consumption available in the market and                                       LENGTH            2.99M                     LENGTH           6.06M
        interiors are fitted with efficient internal lighting and   state of the art Carrier technology.                                                      WIDTH            2.44M                     WIDTH            2.24M
        drainage systems.
                                                                                                                                                             HEIGHT            2.89M                     HEIGHT           2.90M

                                                                                                                                                          SIZE          POWER          VOLTS      AMPS           PLUG
                                                                                                                                                          20FT        SINGLE PHASE      240        15            3 PIN
                                                                                                                                                          20FT        THREE PHASE      500         32        PDL 4 PIN STRAIGHT
                                                                                                                                                          40FT        THREE PHASE      500         32        PDL 4 PIN STRAIGHT
                                                                                                                                                         40FT HC      THREE PHASE      500         32        PDL 4 PIN STRAIGHT

                                                                                                                                                      TEMP RANGES:
                                                                                                                                                      SINGLE PHASE CHILLERS (0 -20 DEGREES)
                                                                                                                                                      THREE PHASE CHILLERS (-25 -20 DEGREES)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ROYAL WOLF  |  PRODUCT CATALOGUE  11  YAL WOLF  |  PRODUCT CATALOGUE  11
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